South Sulawesi : Tana Toraja
Des de 784 €

South Sulawesi : Tana Toraja

Paquet de vacances
Creat: dissabte, 28 de setembre del 2024
Ref ID: 9443548
preu per persona Des de
784 €
Basat en 2 adults
Creat: dissabte, 28 de setembre del 2024
Més imatges (6)

Day 1: Tana Toraja Region

Makassar - Toraja (Lunch, Dinner)
Upon arrival at Makassar airport, meet & greet with our guide and transfer to Toraja Land by minibus/coach. Lunch will be served in the restaurant of Parepare and a snack in Bambapuang. Accommodation and dinner in Toraja Heritage.

Day 2: Tana Toraja Region

Toraja (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
After breakfast at the hotel, you will take a full day tour in Toraja. Start with a visit to the village of Lemo to see the rows of Tau-Tau and the hanging graves. To get to the funeral site, you must follow a small muddy path from the village between the paddy fields. The road suddenly ends at the base of a large cliff. At the base of the cliff are two small Tongkonan beautifully painted. After Lemo’s program continues to Londa to visit the site features two natural caves where you can see the bones of the deceased. As you enter the cave, you will see skulls and bones scattered across the floor and hanging from the ceiling. The atmosphere can be quite intense, especially if you get scared easily. After lunch at a local restaurant in Rantepao, visit the traditional Torajan village of Kete-Kesu, famous for its wood carving, to see the Tongkonan and the ancient rice fields. The last stop of the day will be in Sadan, known as the traditional weaving center of Rantepao, returning to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Tana Toraja Region

Toraja (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
After breakfast, we will take you to the village of Marante, which has many Tongkonans, large rice barns and large rocky hills containing hanging tombs that locals called "Erong". Then we will continue the program to the traditional kampong of Nanggala, we can see 4 large rice barns in a row with curved roof and walls carved with rice barn face with two former traditional houses King Nanggala. Some of the carvings show a combination of modern and traditional themes. The last stop of the day will be in the cemetery located on one of the slopes, namely Suaya. It is carved as the resting place of kings and the king’s family; in accordance with the Toraja King dresses, placed in front of the stone tomb. There are some stone steps to reach the hill, where kings had their contemplation during their lifetime, returning to the hotel for dinner and passing the night.

Day 4:

Toraja - Makassar (Breakfast, Lunch)
After breakfast at the hotel, transfer to Makassar airport for your next program. Lunch Stop and refresh en route.

preu per persona Des de
784 €
Basat en 2 adults
Reserva directament sense canvis
Resum del viatge
2 Adults
nits 3
Aquesta idea inclou
Destinacions 2
Allotjaments 1
Tours 1
Resum del tour
Idiomes del guia
- Recorrido y traslados como se menciona en el itinerario con vehículo exclusivo con aire acondicionado
- Guía de habla hispana o inglesa
- Entradas
​- ​Alojamiento (o similar) basado en habitación estándar doble
​- ​Comidas mencionadas en el programa
- IVA y servicio
​- Comidas no mencionadas en el programa
- Propinas y otros gastos personales
​- Pasajes aéreos nacional o internacional
- Impuestos de salida del aeropuerto
- Cena Obligatoria aplicada ​por el hotel durante la temporada festiva (Se informará la tarifa a la hora de confirmar la reserva)
- Suplementos de temporada
​- Todo lo no especificado en el programa o incluido en el precio
Allotjaments previstos
- Toraja Heritage (Standard)

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